Regularly updated content for your web site or social media channels – such as blogging- has the following benefits:
- Sparking new interest in your company from prospects
- Creating renewed interest in your products or service
- Provides better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your web site site
Blogs also take a lot of time and focus to produce on a time schedule.
Don’t have the time or resources to produce regular articles? I can help.
More About Blogging Services
A blog is just a series of dated articles that are posted to your web site.
Your business related blog provides an way for your company to show your web site visitors how you help your customers, the value-added nature of your services, or it provides helpful or interesting ideas that cause visitors to check back often for new updates.
A significant feature of blog articles is that they are extremely useful as a “stealth marketing” tool. Blog articles generally don’t sell or promote your product or business directly. They show a viewpoint, an approach to a problem, or highlight a situation that creates interest, without any pressure to shove an agenda down the reader’s throat. Blogs can also showcase your staff’s expertise or can portray your business’s internal culture where it matters to customers.
The Challenges to Blogging: Time and Focus
Blogs are time-intensive to create and can be out of reach of many businesses that are “lean staffed”.
You want that regular sign of life through blog postings that show the vitality of your business. But great blog postings require mental focus and time. How do you get that visible “heartbeat” when you’re stretched thin?
I can provide the continuous, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly blog postings that your web site or social media campaign requires in order to reach new growth targets.
Ready to find out how a regular blogging campaign is within easy reach?
The initial phone consultation is always free.
Get Started on Great Content for Your Business